Let me say that a little louder for the people who feel the need to discuss/shame not only my own personal photography and modeling choices, but the choices of women all over the world who are being exposed to these same experiences. For the past few year I've sat silent, letting everyones negative perceptions and comments go in one ear and out the other. But I'm refusing to bite my tongue this time.
It is time to STOP lecturing other women about what they wear, what their career choices are, what art they create, and how they CHOOSE to show the world who they are. It is time to STOP policing a woman's preferences under the guise that what they do is "disempowering" simply because it doesn't align with what YOUR beliefs, preferences, or opinions are. Just as you have your right to express yourself, so do the women that you shame, judge, belittle and speak of behind their backs - all while they are out there fearlessly loving themselves. AND DON'T TELL ME IT'S BECAUSE YOU CARE, because true empowerment is respecting the right of every woman to make her own choices, and to love themselves however they see fit. It's time for you to realize that what you are truly doing is trying to equate modesty with character and respect. And what you should be doing is taking a closer look at your self.
In a world where your every day woman is dealing with absurd beauty standards, being criticized for goals/passions that are outside of societal norms and STILL fighting for control over our bodies and basic human rights - WHY are you making it more difficult? Shaming other women for being confident, for following their dreams, for living/thinking outside of the box is only holding us back further. Every second that you spent worrying about, speaking of or taking action on what someone else does, you could have spent taking the steps to becoming a better version of yourself. I truly feel sorry for you.
Oh, and before all of the comments from those who are ready to combat everything I have just stated let me just leave these answers with you…
"women are objectifying themselves, or being objectified" - As women, we are objectified every single day. A woman completely covered can walk down the street and get cat-called, just as easy as a woman with more revealing clothing. How women CHOOSE to express themselves to the world is none of your concern. Comments like this too closely resemble the rape cases that are closed, because the VICTIM was "wearing revealing clothing".
"It's against my religious beliefs" - Pay close attention to the "my" in that statement. These are YOUR personal beliefs. Here in America, we are given the right to freedom of religion. So, you are justified to think this when you are judging a woman's choices, but have NO RIGHT to shame another for practicing their own belief system; no matter how different it may be from your own.
"You can't take back photos you post on the internet" - This is a great thing to teach the youth of America. And I completely agree with you here. It is a GREAT lesson for the adolescent who aren’t aware of the true consequences of our actions, even at a young age. But guess what...If someone felt confident enough to post this past their teens.. you have no say in what a grown adult promotes. And yes, it may negatively effect them in one way or another. But they knew the risks and consequences of their actions. Let them live their life, the way that they want it. Sometimes people need to discover life on their own terms, not on yours.
"You're sending the wrong message/You're doing this for attention" - As human beings every single choice we make is a direct reflection of how we want the outside world to view us. From our external appearance, to our internal passions, thoughts and expressions. So when you are judging someone based on how they are expressing themselves to others you are doing exactly what they want you to do. You are NOTICING them. You are trying to figure them out. And whether you are perceiving them negatively, or positively - you're still thinking about them. And they've just won.
"Youth shouldn't be exposed to certain behaviors, appearances, or content" - We live in a digital age. Our youth is getting exposed to sexual content, crime, and other adult materials younger and younger each year. From what they see on television, to their video games and their friends in school. You can monitor what you do in your own home, but outside of your 4 little walls - you have no control. Let me say that again....YOU HAVE NO CONTROL, so stop trying to monitor and censor someone else's life. We are all in control of only ourselves.
"All nudity is sexual" - Nudity and sex are NOT the same thing. Clearly you haven't studied art, philosophy, or anything in the medical field. Because the study of human anatomy is essential in so many different educational backgrounds. Did you know that almost all art training programs include nude figure drawing in their curriculum - dating back to the ancient greeks? And that it would be nearly impossible to properly re-create a human form, without stripping it down to the basic essentials? And if you've never explored a country in Europe, let me tell you as someone who has lived/studied there - you would see a naked statue, painting or work of art on every other corner. YET, the moment someone take photos of someone nude, or is the muse for a photo with the basis on nudity, or even lingerie - they get shamed for being inappropriate. But I don't see you shaming the famous artists, whose work has been hung in churches and museums all over the world, for creating with those aspects. Michelangelo once said "What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and the skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?"
To put it simply... you wouldn't buy a ticket to an art exhibit if you did not want to see art style being displayed. You just wouldn't look, right? So... If you don't like it...DON'T LOOK.
So, to all of my girls out there who are confidently living their lives and constantly hearing the backlash/opinions of others.... please remember that your life can not be dictated by the perceptions of others. Their opinions don't pay your bills, they don't fulfill you...hell they don't even make you happy. So you continue doing what makes you YOU and what makes you happy. Because you are surrounded by more than enough amazing people who support you, love you and accept you for all that you are and all that you do.
Photo Taken By: Alex Weyer